Session Materials

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Day 1 (20 June 2023): Importance of M&E in the Basic Education Governance

Anchoring M&E to MATATAG Agenda and Basic Education Monitoring and Evaluation Framework Policy | Dir. Roger B. Masapol, Planning Service

Measuring Learning Proficiency amid the Learning Crisis | Danilyn Joy L. Pangilinan, Chief, Education Assessment Division, Bureau of Education Assessment

National Evaluation Policy Framework (NEPF) and National Practices on M&E  |  Mr. Jesse David, Chief Economic Development Specialist, Social Sector Division of the Monitoring and Evaluation Staff, National Economic Development Authority (NEDA)

This introduced the purpose, scope, and coverage of the National Evaluation Policy Framework and also presented monitoring and evaluation practices being conducted by NEDA in coordination with the implementing agencies at the national level.

Importance of Evaluations in Education Sector  |  Aftab Opel, Country Director, Innovations for Poverty Action Philippines

The presentation discussed the rationale for evaluation and randomization and provided examples of randomized evaluations in the Education sector.

Utilization of Evaluation Findings in Policy Formulation  |  Kris Ann M. Melad, Supervising Research Specialist, Philippine Institute of Development Studies (PIDS)

The presentation will give a general overview of the significance of using evidence in policy decisions, the challenges in doing so, and strategies for enhancing the use of evaluation findings in policy decisions. Additionally, the presentation will give policymakers useful advice on how to use evaluation findings in their decision-making.

Day 2 (21 June 2023): Learning from M&E Initiatives of Development and Government Partners

Breakout Room A: Establishing the Purpose and Scope in M&E

In this session, the invited organization will discuss important concepts in developing an M&E framework such as Theory of Change, Logical framework, and the like. Establishing the purpose and scope is crucial for defining the objectives and boundaries of the M&E process. It helps provide clarity and direction, ensuring that the monitoring and evaluation efforts are focused and aligned with the intended objectives and indicators. The participants are expected to gain knowledge on designing an M&E plan by developing the theory of change and determining SMART indicators.

The Use of Theory of Change in Establishing M&E framework and Indicators | Lemuel Fyodor C. Villamar, Planning and M&E Officer, UNICEF Philippines

Study on UNICEF’s M&E practices   | Nicholas Tenazas, Education Specialist, UNICEF Philippines

Understanding Key Performance Indicators in DepEd  |  Marieta C. Atienza, Chief, PS-EMISD

Breakout Room B: Gathering the Right Information

Gathering the right information is crucial in monitoring and evaluation (M&E) to ensure that the data collected is relevant, accurate, and sufficient to answer the monitoring and evaluation questions and provide meaningful insights. In this session, participants will gain knowledge on how to identify information needs, select data sources, determine cost-efficient data collection tools and procedures, and ensure data quality.

Measurement, Data Collection and Management Strategies | Ana Christina Cruz, Research Associate, Innovations for Poverty Action

The presentation tackled key concepts related to measurement, data sources and techniques to minimize error and bias at each stage of data collection.

Building Resilient Education Systems: Cost-effectiveMobile Tutoring in the Philippines and Beyond | Rene Marlon Panti, Research Manager,  Innovations for Poverty Action

mEducation (mobile + education) aims to improve math skills by delivering math problems via text and providing weekly 20-minute phone tutorials tailored to individual learning levels. The program showed promising results in Botswana, where it was initially implemented, and to test its scalability, researchers conducted a randomized evaluation in five countries, with IPA leading the evaluation in the Philippines. The program led to a significant 40percent increase in children’s math skills in the Philippines, with an average cost of USD $12 per student, making it one of the most cost-effective education interventions available.

Endline Study of the Sustaining Education Reform Gains (SERG) Project  |  Xerxes M. de Castro, Basic Education Advisor, Save the Children Philippines

Breakout Room C: Analyzing Data

Analyzing data in monitoring and evaluation (M&E) is a crucial step that helps derive meaningful insights and draw conclusions about the effectiveness, efficiency, and impact of programs, policies, or interventions. In this session, the participants will gain knowledge on how to ensure that the data collected is organized and prepared for analysis, choose appropriate data analysis techniques, and formulate conclusions from the analysis.

Basic Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis in Monitoring and Evaluation   | Josefina V. Almeda, Ph.D., Head of Agency/Executive Director III, Philippine Statistical Research and Training Institute, and Associate Professor of UP Diliman School of Statistics

Sample Case/Study or Education Sector Project Evaluation and ABC+ Project of USAID’s Best Practices on Data Analysis  | Stella Mendoza, Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Advisor, Advancing Basic Education in the Philippines (ABC+ Project) 

Breakout Room D: Communicating Findings

Communicating M&E findings effectively is essential to ensure that the insights and recommendations derived from the evaluation are understood and utilized by relevant stakeholders. In this session, the invited organizations will share their practices in reporting, results dissemination, and utilization of M&E findings. DepEd participants may get fresh ideas on how to effectively communicate their M&E findings to their audience to maximize participation and accountability in the basic education governance.

Getting your Message Across: Ways to Communicate M&E Results   | Kris Ann M. Melad, Supervising Research Specialist, Philippine Institute of Development Studies (PIDS)

Education Safe from Disasters: Developing an Ecosystem for Comprehensive School Safety in the Philippines   | Marlon Matuguina, Program Manager-Risk Mitigation and Climate Resilience, Save the Children and Jose Gabriel Noveno, DepEd CO DRRMS

Assessment of Pilot Face-to-face Class Implementation | Marie Christ Apit-Pangilinan, Senior Education Program Specialist, Planning Service-Policy Research and Development Division (PS-PRDD)

Day 3 (22 June 2023): M&E Application to DepEd

DepEd Data Management and Information Systems | Ariel C. Tandingan, Information Systems Analyst III, Planning Service-Educational Management Information System Division (PS-EMISD)

Program Management Information System  | Marlon Custodio, Senior Education Program Specialist, Planning Service-Planning and Programming Division (PS-PPD)